If you fail your exam following your training course, we are here to help, and we can arrange for you to re-sit the exam, to ensure that you gain your required qualification.
There are two main options for how you can re-sit your exam:
Level 4 exams: If a delegate has passed only one part of an exam, they can re-sit the paper they failed within 12 months of the original exam date. If the 12 months lapse, they will have to re-sit both exam papers again. We recommend that they retake the course or complete a refresher course if retaking the exam over 12 months from the course.
VWA recommends that anyone failing a Level 2 or 3 exam completes their re-sit within 6 months of the course, ideally having attended some refresher training first.
Please contact the Training Support Team at VWA if you are unable to take your exam at your place of work or at VWA offices. In exceptional circumstances we may be able to offer remote invigilation of re-sit exams.
Exams must be paid for at the time of booking.
Choose your preferred option below to book and pay now.
Re-sit fees are as follows:
Level 2 examinations - £30 + VAT per exam
Level 3 examinations - £70 + VAT per exam
Level 4 examinations - £100 + VAT per exam
Payment should be made via our website by credit/debit card. Once we receive payment, the exam can be arranged within the next week or two.
Don’t want to re-sit?
If you have failed your exam and decide not to re-sit, we can issue you with a VWA Certificate of Completion.