Vulnerability Assessment and Critical Control Points Workshop (VACCP)

Course Summary
The issue of food fraud in the supply chain is becoming increasingly important in the food industry. Hence the need for a systematic approach to identify the threat of economically motivated adulteration and assess the vulnerable points within the supply chain to satisfy the requirements of Clause 5.4 in the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 7.

This course has been designed to give learners the knowledge and skills to conduct a Raw Material Vulnerability Assessment on their supply chain to protect against the risk of fraud. The course will take you through methodology to achieve this, to identify types of fraud that may occur in the supply chain, assess vulnerabilities and establish appropriate preventative measures.

Entry Requirements
No formal qualifications are required but an understanding of food safety and HACCP management systems would be beneficial

The course will cover the following subjects:
• Introduction to food defence
• Food fraud
• Understanding the attacker
• VACCP Process and how to conduct a VACCP study

  • Team
  • Threats
  • Vulnerabilities

• VACCP Process
• Vulnerability Risk Assessment Process
• Protection Measures to Reduce Risk
• Contingency planning for recovery from attack
• Auditing and review food defence procedures
• Horizon Scanning

There is no formal assessment on this course.

Course Fee
£340 +VAT

Course fee includes:
• Course binder and notes
• Lunch and refreshments
• Certificate of attendance

For More info and to book visit the website 

The VACCP Workshop will be taking place on the 13th April 2016. Please contact the office for more information. 01756 700802.

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