Food hygiene: what goes on behind closed doors?

The Food Standards Agency stated recently that, according to their latest public attitudes tracker, the main food safety issue the public are most concerned about is food hygiene when eating out. We have all seen television programmes which follow environmental health inspectors into various restaurants, cafes and take-aways, some of which look perfectly acceptable front […]

Food hygiene: what goes on behind closed doors? Read More »

Food Safety & Hygiene News Food Safety Training HACCP training

Fried food is not as bad for you as you might think

Back in the day a ‘proper’ fry-up meant bacon, sausages, fried eggs, fried bread, beans, tomatoes, mushrooms and possibly black pudding, all fried in lard. In fact it wasn’t unusual for children to be sent on their way to school having consumed bacon and tomato or sausage and egg for breakfast. Nowadays the fashion seems

Fried food is not as bad for you as you might think Read More »

Food Safety & Hygiene News Nutrition Training News

Gluten-free or very low gluten?

Did you know that in the UK 4% of adults and 6% of children have a food allergy or intolerance? When we think of products that people are allergic to, it’s often peanuts, shellfish and those containing lactose that spring to mind. However around 1% of the population, known as coeliacs, is intolerant to gluten.

Gluten-free or very low gluten? Read More »

Food Safety & Hygiene News Food Safety Training HACCP training Nutrition Training News Specialist Courses
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