The majority of the requirements under the new Food Information Regulations (FIR) come into force in 2014, so now is the ideal time for manufacturers and retailers to ensure that processes are in place to ensure their labelling is compliant by the deadline. Getting it wrong could lead to costly product recalls and fines.
To ensure that those responsible have the requisite information and understanding of what is required, food industry experts, Verner Wheelock Associates have just launched a brand new course, ‘Creative Legal Labelling’, developed specifically to tackle a myriad of food labelling and marketing issues head-on.
The new two-day course has been designed to cover all aspects relating to legal labelling including detailed information on the new EU and UK regulations, differences with current regulations and proposed guidance from DEFRA on their implementation. In addition, delegates will be brought up-to-date on the latest allergen labelling advice from the BRC and how to ensure they are meeting the requirements of legislation on food additives– when can additives be used? How much can be used? How do they have to be labelled? Are they natural or artificial?
Day One of the course focuses primarily on the new regulations. Day Two gives invaluable guidance and information on nutrition and health claims and the use of marketing terms. For example: when you can say a product is ‘pure’, ‘fresh’, ‘natural’, ‘gluten-free’, ‘low fat’ etc, how to use marketing terms to enhance product offerings, how to identify nutrition and health claims, how to make a claim legally and how to avoid potential pitfalls. The course tutors also cover marketing standards for specific products such as fruit and vegetables, chicken, olive oil etc. This part of the course will be tailored as closely as possible to suit the needs of those delegates attending each course, in line with the scope of their business.
VWA Managing Director, Alison Wheelock, said “The world of food labelling can be a complete minefield. Our Creative Legal Labelling course provides an in-depth focus on food labelling. It is tutored by food labelling and specification experts with both retailer and consultancy backgrounds, who will be able to answer all questions relating to food labelling legislation and give delegates the knowledge and confidence to ensure that their packaging will meet the new standards.
The ongoing horsemeat scandal has made consumers sit up and take greater notice of which ingredients are included in food products. Whilst the horsemeat saga is predominantly a supply chain issue affecting caterers, retailers and manufacturers, it has certainly highlighted the importance of ensuring that the information used on food packaging reflects the contents, is correct and legal.”
The first ‘Creative Legal Labelling’ course takes place at VWA’s training centre in Skipton, North Yorkshire, on 24th-25th June 2013 and costs £450 + VAT.
Those booking before 31st March 2013 can take advantage of an early bird discount and pay just £400 + VAT.
For more information, please visit or contact Claire Lennon on 01756 700802 or email