Healthy Eating in Schools – A Handbook of Practical Case Studies

Healthy Eating In SchoolsEdited by leading nutrition expert, Dr Verner Wheelock, this book contains 30 case studies from the UK and abroad, focusing on schools, local authorities and businesses that have successfully improved the food being served to school children.

Why was the book published?

This book is full of good ideas that really work and the aim is to inspire head teachers, governors, parents, teachers, caterers and healthy schools co-ordinators to introduce a range of Healthy Eating initiatives in their schools.

Healthy Eating in Schools – A Handbook of Practical Case Studies draws together a variety of initiatives to provide an invaluable collection of information for those who plan to implement or expand their Healthy Eating Strategies. Whether you need help with school meals, tuck shops, breakfast clubs, growing clubs, or how to involve pupils and parents in decision-making, you will find the case studies in this book useful.

What’s in the book?

Focusing on all aspects of food in schools and not just school meals, case studies include,

  • Improvements in choice and quality of food
  • Pupil involvement in Healthy Eating Policies
  • Better behaviour of children due to the provision of breakfast
  • Fruit tuck shops

There are also chapters dealing with other relevant aspects of school food including:

  • Allergies
  • Research on Food and Behaviour
  • OFSTED and Healthy Eating
  • Procurement and Local Sourcing

“The book is entertaining, readable, and a useful, practical handbook for anyone who wants to do something about what’s on the menu in their school.”
The TES Magazine

“If any part of your job involves discussion and decisions on school meals, then reading this book will greatly enrich your ability to make a grounded contribution to the health improvement of our children.”
Network Health Dietitians Magazine

RRP £8.99

Order on Amazon or contact Alison Wheelock on 01756 700802 or email

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